Black Death
The Arrival of the Black Death in Europe: A Historical Overview
The Black Death’s sudden eruption in Messina in 1347 was just one step on a vast journey that began years earlier, most likely in Central Asia
Black Death
The Black Death’s sudden eruption in Messina in 1347 was just one step on a vast journey that began years earlier, most likely in Central Asia
The Old and New Testaments show angels functioning as protectors, worshipers, communicators of divine truth, and executors of God’s will
Angels are depicted as living beings of the highest order
The biblical portrayal of angels as spiritual messengers, protectors, warriors, and guides
Ancient Rome
The second century AD marked a pinnacle of power and prosperity for both the Roman and Han Chinese Empires. By AD 160, these two colossal powers stood at their political and economic zenith, seemingly untouchable. Yet, as history often teaches us, such heights can precede a precipitous fall. This period
Ancient Rome
Most Roman vessels ended their voyages at the Burmese city of Tamala, on the northwest edge of the Malay Peninsula
Ancient Rome
One of the most fascinating examples of the ancient trading network is the Roman trade with India, specifically the Indo-Parthian Kingdom
Ancient Rome
Known to the Romans as "Arabia Felix" (Fortunate Arabia), this region was the source of one of antiquity's most prized commodities: frankincense.
Economy History
Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo injected a new level of analytical rigor into political economy
Economy History
Adam Smith (1723–1790) stands at a pivotal moment in history, observing the world as it shifted from a predominantly agrarian, land-based economy to a commercial, trade-oriented, and increasingly industrial society. His groundbreaking insights laid the intellectual foundations for what we now call “economics”—a discipline he helped separate from
History Affairs
By 1800, the potato had become the staple of a large part of the European poor, especially in cold upland areas.
Chinese History
Almost no corner of Chinese society proved immune to tobacco’s allure.